Officers present: Pres Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Sec Cynde Hoefener, DeDe Smith. Call ins from Steve Talley and Ricky Krueger.
Meeting called to order at 9:05am
Minutes from last meeting
Minutes from last meeting were discussed. Brian Hoefener motioned to accept, second by Ricky Krueger. Motion approved.
Treasure’s Report
Chris Franks was absent, but Pres. Vince Smith read the report. $2200 in checking and 74.76 in savings. Motion to accept by Brian Hoefener and second by Vince Smith.
Year end wrap up: Had 2 shoots due to covid-19. Chadron was a good shoot again this year with 20 new members between June and now. Hunters warm up was not a huge success but did have 52 shooters.
Annual dinner: Decided on the Fire Hall in Fremont again due to more space to social distance better. Vince Smith will verify with Kurt. Vince will donate another AR for the bingo game. Cynde Hoefener will check with Rotella’s bakery to donate the buns. AUCTION ITEMS ARE NEEDED, we would like to have at least 5 good items, so please start thinking of donations. Ricky will check with Scheels on a gift card donation.
Elections: Board members exiting this year will be Steve Talley, Ethan Smith and Vince Smith. Please get a hold of any current board members if you are interested on joining the board of directors.
2021 Events: Annual banquet Feb. 27 (location noted above), Rendezvous in York on April 24-25, 3D Gretna June 20, Extreme shoot in Chadron July 17-18, and Hunters warm up at Golden Arrow Aug 28-29
New Business
A question was brought up about the equipment used at the bow builds, if we are not having them anymore what do we do with the equipment. Cynde Hoefener brought up possible auctioning it off at the banquet. This will be talked about this year and maybe auctioned in 2022. Also auctioning off the staves and bow boards from the bow build at the banquet.
Membership chairman reported 67 annual members, and 59 lifetime members.
Motion to adjourn by Brian Hoefener and second by Steve Telley.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05am
Respectively submitted by Cynde Hoefner