NTA Board Meeting 2/29/20

Officers Present

  • President Vince Smith
  • VP Dave Manwarren
  • Tres. Chris Frank
  • Sec. Brian Hoefener
  • Jeremy Misfeldt
  • Corey Engert
  • Ricky Krueger
  • Steve Telley
  • Bob Gregory
  • members and family.

Meeting called to order at 5:09 pm

Minutes from the last meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were read by Vince. Jeremy Misfeldt motion to accept, Dave Manwarren second. Motion approved.

Treasure’s Report

Chris Frank reported the checking account had $1,386.55 , the savings report had $74.78. Jeremy Misfeldt motion to accept, Ricky Krueger second. Motion approved.


Rendezvous has moved to the Upper Big Blue Archers range at York NE. The range is located west of York and the local club is working with Dave Manwarren. We are trying to get more attendance from different members. The address is 1301 RD K. There is a small lake with camping available. The diner and auction will be held at the campsite. There will be 2-20 target ranges with novelty shoots. Kids are welcome to shoot any bow.

Bowjam is planned for July 18-19 at Ikes in Fremont. Discussion was brought up on how to boost the attendance. Several farmers have contacted the club to come and cut trees for staves.

Western Shoot will be held July 25-26 and Jake Downs will be in charge of the Chadron shoot. Jake is trying to get several venders out there again this year. Camping is near the range.

Deer Season Warm Up will be held at Golden Arrow range again this year Aug 29-30. Vince will set up another string shoot.

Digital Presence Justin Nutter has offered to help the club with a digital presence on Facebook and Instagram. Helping get the word out about our club and try to get more people to attend our events.

Membership drive we gained 19 new members and 2 new life members this last year. The bow will be drawing at the next meeting.

Change in the by-laws were brought up and discussion was talked about making some changes on the terms and elections of board of directors. 6 of the board would be voted on every other year.

Ricky Krueger made a motion to have a by-law meeting at the Rendezvous in York April 25, at the dinner Saturday night. Second by Jeremy Misfeldt.

Nominations for the board of directors was held and Dan Lindner said he would like to step down and Cynde Hoefener was nominated to take his place. Elections were counted and the board of directors are Vince Smith, Dave Manwarren, Chris Frank, Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Corey Engert, Ricky Krueger, Steve Telley, Bob Gregory, Cynde Hoefener, Jake Downs and Ethan Smith. The board went and held the officers election and for President Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Tres Chris Frank and Sec Cynde Hoefener

Scheduled meetings are April 11, July 11,Sept 12 and Dec 12. February 2021 meeting will be scheduled at a later date.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jeremy Misfeldt second by Ricky motion approved.

Meeting adjourned 6:20

Respectively submitted by Brian Hoefener