Offers present: Pres Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Sec Cynde Hoefener, Chris Franks and 35 members.
Meeting called to order at 5:15 pm by Vince. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from last meeting
Minutes from last meeting were passed out to the members and approved Jeremy Misfeldt motioned to accept, seconded by Doug Warren. Motion approved.
Treasure’s Report
Chris Franks read treasures report with $1098.84 in checking. Motion to accept by Brian Hoefener and second by Jeremey Misfeldt. Motion approved.
Vince passed out the changes that were made to the bylaws to all the members. Each section that had changes or corrections made to it were voted on and approved. Also handed out was a complete list of all the bylaws for the club and how it will be run in the future. Matt Clark made a motion to accept and second by Brian Shay to adopt the new bylaws.
New Business
Rendezvous-Dave Manwarren will be point of contact. He has been in touch with the NRD in York as well as the head of the Recharge Lake campgrounds. We have been approved to have the first two camp spots reserved for our supper Saturday night. Set up will be Friday morning (April 23) and anyone available to help would be appreciated. Dates for the Rendezvous will be April 24-25.
We will also have the Gretna shoot at the Larry Elston Range June 19-20. We decided to make this a two day shoot instead of one.
The Western Extreme shoot in Chadron will be held July 17-18. This was a successful shoot last year and we encourage any member that can make it out to do so.
No questions about the Hunters Warm-up in August.
The club was extended an invitation to have a booth at The Nebraska Deer and Game Expo in Lincoln next January. We did not attend this year due to covid. But some members did go shoot and said it was well attended.
Discussion was also brought up about a booth at the Mid America Center for the River City expo and possible the NBA jamboree in Halsey in August.
Vince read his final presidents notes and farewell letter. He has been an active member of the club since 1998 and is taking a step back to enjoy life and be able to shoot more.
The floor was opened for nominations for the Board of Directors. Two current members stepped up and were put on the ballot. After the voting took place by all members the current board adjourned to a room to count the votes.
The board was increased to 14 which includes: Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Cynde Hoefener, Dave Manwarren, Doug Warren, Cory Engert, Ricky Krueger, Jake Downs, Justin Nutter, Jay Olson, Ken Obershulte, Dylan Olson, Chris Madsen and Bob Gregory. Officers were then elected by the board members.
President-Brian Hoefener
Vice President- Jeremy Misfeldt
Secretary-Cynde Hoefener
Treasure for the first quarter is Chris Franks but he will be stepping down. If you are interested in this position, please contact one of the officers.
Social Media coordinator-Justin Nutter
Meeting adjourned by Brian Hoefener at 6:15
Dinner and auction followed.
Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener