NTA Board Meeting 04/10/21

Officers present: Pres Brian Hoefener, VP Jeremy Misfeldt, Sec Cynde Hoefener, Ricky Krueger, Ron Berube, Dave Manwarren, Brennen Nutter and Membership Chair Justin Nutter 

Meeting called to order at 9:01 am.

Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by Brian and second by Rob.

Treasurer’s Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Brian. The details are from March 1 to April 2, 2021. The club has $4058.62 in the account. This is after expense and deposit from the banquet. Ron Berube will be taking over the treasurer position with Chris Franks still on as an advisor. Doug Warren will be stepping off the board to allow Ron a position. A vote was taken to add Ron. Report was approved by Ricky and second by Dave.


The rendezvous details were discussed by Dave. The course layout is being planned by Cory Engert and Dave, they have walked the course and have a plan of action. The set up will be done Friday morning at 10:00. We have a side by side being donated by a York business for us to use for setup and tear down. We have a plan for 35-36 target with a few fun targets too. There will be raffles and silent auction items available at registration. If you have any items, you would like to donate please contact Brian. We voted on joining the Upper Blue Archery club as Thank you for letting us use their course. Camping is available at the NRD recharge lake where the pot- luck supper will be held.

Gretna fun shoot will be on June 19-20. This will be open to Traditional and compounds bows.

Justin went over memberships; we currently have 70 annual members and 61 lifetime members. We voted on when the renewal date should be and decided it will be due year to date. In the past it was always due at the Rendezvous so this should be easier to track when sending out reminders.

New Business

Since we are no longer having the bow-build we will be selling off the equipment. This will be open to members to purchase before going to the public. More details will follow on this in the future.

The next meeting will be July 10th at the B Douglas Construction Solutions 20816 Gruenther in Gretna.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 by Cynde and second by Ricky.

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener