Officers present: Pres Brian Hoefener, Sec. Cynde Hoefener and Ricky Krueger
Meeting called to order at 9:05 am.
Minutes From Last Meeting
Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by Brian and second by Ricky.
Treasurer’s Report
Report was passed out and gone over by Brian. Bank statement balance on June 1 was $6361.58 and ending balance on August 1 of 6721.70 for an increase of $360.12 after all the payments were reimbursed from the extreme shoot. Report was motioned by Ricky and seconded by Brian.
3-D wrap up was discussed. We talked about doing more novelty shoots in York next year. Making sure we do more advertising in the NBA newsletter to bring more people in. Due to the lack of interest in the Schram shoot usually on Father’s Day weekend we are going to cancel it next year if approved by the board. In order to get more participation, we also talked about letting kids under 16 shoot either traditional or compound bows.
January 14, 15 and 16 we are doing the Nebraska Deer and Game Expo in Lincoln. Brian got the entry fee down to $200.00 and our booth is next to the NBA which should get some attention. When it gets closer, we will be sending out a volunteer time sheet. Board members will be expected to sign up.
New Business
Talked about the annual banquet and Cynde brought up the suggestion of moving it out of Fremont if we can find a place more centralized for the club members. If you have any suggestions feel free to bring it up to Brian. We would like to donate some money to the Fremont Rural Firemen for letting us use the firehouse in the years past as good faith.
Brian has been talking to the Game and Parks about putting up an archery range at Mahoney State Park. He met with the supervisors, and they are looking at sites. Our plan is to have the club members volunteer to help change out the targets if needed.
The bow build equipment will be auctioned off at the annual meeting this year. The weekend before we will go and take pictures to have at the meeting. A time will be set before the banquet start to look at the equipment for the members interested.
Meeting adjourned at 9:44
Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener