NTA Annual Meeting 2/26/22

Meeting called to order at 5:10 PM

Annual meeting held at the Fremont Rural Fire Department with 51 members in attendance.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were read. Rick Krueger moved to approve with Jeremy Misfeldt seconding, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Ron Berube presented the Treasurer’s Report. The year-end balance was $6550.38 for 2021. He gave a breakdown of profit from each shoot, the Western Extreme Shoot had the highest intake at $1254.05. Treasurer’s Report approved by Vince Smith and second by Brian Shea.


Membership Chairman Justin Nutter reported total membership is at 114 with 83 annual and 51 life members. At the rendezvous in April is when all annual memberships are due. Please inform Justin if you have any changes to your address, phone number or email address.


We need at least three inserts on well used target before April and the plan is to purchase 1-2 new targets yearly. We have several novelty shoots planned for the rendezvous.


3D’s for 2022 are set starting with the Rendezvous April 23-24, Hoefener Memorial June 12, Mid Nebraska Archers are having a  Trad shoot  June 25, Chadron Extreme July 16-17, and Hunter Warm Up August 27-28. Nebraska Bowhunters banquet will be held in Kearny March 4-5. Ron, Cynde and Brian will have a booth set up to promote the NTA.  Jeremy will again be having a Youth league at the Izaak Walton starting Sunday June 26 for 6 weeks from 4-5pm.

New Business

Board members were voted on by the members for 2022. Elected were Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Cynde Hoefener, Ron Berube, Dave Manwarren, Cory Engert, Rick Krueger, Jake Downs, Justin Nutter, Chris Madson, Dylan Olson, Jay Olson, Jeff Breitkeutz with honorary Bob Gregory. Officers are President Brian Hoefener, Vice President Jeremy Misfeldt, Treasurer Ron Berube and Secretary Cynde Hoefener.

Motion to adjourn was made by Cynde, Ron seconded; motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at  6:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Cynde Hoefener, Secretary.