NTA Annual Meeting 02/25/2023

Minutes from Last Meeting

Officers present: Pres. Brian H, Vice Pres. Jeremy M., Treasure Ron B., Sec. Cynde H., and several members at the annual year end meeting.

Meeting called to order at 5:12 pm.

Treasurer’s Report Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Ron. 2022 balance was 9074.02 which was up from 2021 but total revenue was down for 2022. In 2021 we had 4 shoots, 2022 we had 3 and the Chadron shoot was down in attendance. A question was brought  up about using Venmo instead of the Square, Ron will look into price between the two. Another question was brought up about needing more targets for the NFAA shoot. A time will be set up to go through the target trailer for an inventory.


Shoots—Rendezvous will in the last weekend in April in York again. Dave M. will take the lead and get in touch with the range people.  Hunter’s Warm Up is moved up to August  12-13 this year so we don’t compete with hunters getting ready for the season. Thanks to everyone who worked the Nebraska Deer Expo. Lots of people stopped by to talk  and ask  about the club.

New business

The club was able to buy youth bows for the kids league due to donations from the Ikes. Jeremy will be running the kids league again this year starting in July and going for 4 weeks. Anyone who is available to volunteer your time it would be greatly appreciated. Looking at Saturdays from 4:00-5:00. March 3-4 is the NBA banquet in Kearney. Brian, Cynde and Ron will set up a booth at the trade show for the weekend. The club will be doing a raffle for a bear shoot this year. Selling tickets at every event starting with the annual banquet, NBA banquet and every shoot. The winning ticket will be drawn at the 2024 annual banquet for the hunt to be in the fall of 2024.

Board members were voted on for the 2023 year.

Meeting was adjourned by Jeremy M and second by Jim E

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener