NTA Annual Meeting 02/25/2023

Minutes from Last Meeting

Officers present: Pres. Brian H, Vice Pres. Jeremy M., Treasure Ron B., Sec. Cynde H., and several members at the annual year end meeting.

Meeting called to order at 5:12 pm.

Treasurer’s Report Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Ron. 2022 balance was 9074.02 which was up from 2021 but total revenue was down for 2022. In 2021 we had 4 shoots, 2022 we had 3 and the Chadron shoot was down in attendance. A question was brought  up about using Venmo instead of the Square, Ron will look into price between the two. Another question was brought up about needing more targets for the NFAA shoot. A time will be set up to go through the target trailer for an inventory.


Shoots—Rendezvous will in the last weekend in April in York again. Dave M. will take the lead and get in touch with the range people.  Hunter’s Warm Up is moved up to August  12-13 this year so we don’t compete with hunters getting ready for the season. Thanks to everyone who worked the Nebraska Deer Expo. Lots of people stopped by to talk  and ask  about the club.

New business

The club was able to buy youth bows for the kids league due to donations from the Ikes. Jeremy will be running the kids league again this year starting in July and going for 4 weeks. Anyone who is available to volunteer your time it would be greatly appreciated. Looking at Saturdays from 4:00-5:00. March 3-4 is the NBA banquet in Kearney. Brian, Cynde and Ron will set up a booth at the trade show for the weekend. The club will be doing a raffle for a bear shoot this year. Selling tickets at every event starting with the annual banquet, NBA banquet and every shoot. The winning ticket will be drawn at the 2024 annual banquet for the hunt to be in the fall of 2024.

Board members were voted on for the 2023 year.

Meeting was adjourned by Jeremy M and second by Jim E

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener

NTA Annual Meeting 2/26/22

Meeting called to order at 5:10 PM

Annual meeting held at the Fremont Rural Fire Department with 51 members in attendance.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were read. Rick Krueger moved to approve with Jeremy Misfeldt seconding, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Ron Berube presented the Treasurer’s Report. The year-end balance was $6550.38 for 2021. He gave a breakdown of profit from each shoot, the Western Extreme Shoot had the highest intake at $1254.05. Treasurer’s Report approved by Vince Smith and second by Brian Shea.


Membership Chairman Justin Nutter reported total membership is at 114 with 83 annual and 51 life members. At the rendezvous in April is when all annual memberships are due. Please inform Justin if you have any changes to your address, phone number or email address.


We need at least three inserts on well used target before April and the plan is to purchase 1-2 new targets yearly. We have several novelty shoots planned for the rendezvous.


3D’s for 2022 are set starting with the Rendezvous April 23-24, Hoefener Memorial June 12, Mid Nebraska Archers are having a  Trad shoot  June 25, Chadron Extreme July 16-17, and Hunter Warm Up August 27-28. Nebraska Bowhunters banquet will be held in Kearny March 4-5. Ron, Cynde and Brian will have a booth set up to promote the NTA.  Jeremy will again be having a Youth league at the Izaak Walton starting Sunday June 26 for 6 weeks from 4-5pm.

New Business

Board members were voted on by the members for 2022. Elected were Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Cynde Hoefener, Ron Berube, Dave Manwarren, Cory Engert, Rick Krueger, Jake Downs, Justin Nutter, Chris Madson, Dylan Olson, Jay Olson, Jeff Breitkeutz with honorary Bob Gregory. Officers are President Brian Hoefener, Vice President Jeremy Misfeldt, Treasurer Ron Berube and Secretary Cynde Hoefener.

Motion to adjourn was made by Cynde, Ron seconded; motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at  6:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Cynde Hoefener, Secretary.

NTA Board Meeting 09/11/21

Officers present: Pres Brian Hoefener, Sec. Cynde Hoefener and Ricky Krueger

Meeting called to order at 9:05 am.

Minutes From Last Meeting

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by Brian and second by Ricky.       

Treasurer’s Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Brian. Bank statement balance on June 1 was $6361.58 and ending balance on August 1 of 6721.70 for an increase of $360.12 after all the payments were reimbursed from the extreme shoot. Report was motioned by Ricky and seconded by Brian.


3-D wrap up was discussed. We talked about doing more novelty shoots in York next year. Making sure we do more advertising in the NBA newsletter to bring more people in. Due to the lack of interest in the Schram shoot usually on Father’s Day weekend we are going to cancel it next year if approved by the board. In order to get more participation, we also talked about letting kids under 16 shoot either traditional or compound bows.

January 14, 15 and 16 we are doing the Nebraska Deer and Game Expo in Lincoln. Brian got the entry fee down to $200.00 and our booth is next to the NBA which should get some attention. When it gets closer, we will be sending out a volunteer time sheet. Board members will be expected to sign up.

New Business

Talked about the annual banquet and Cynde brought up the suggestion of moving it out of Fremont if we can find a place more centralized for the club members. If you have any suggestions feel free to bring it up to Brian. We would like to donate some money to the Fremont Rural Firemen for letting us use the firehouse in the years past as good faith.

Brian has been talking to the Game and Parks about putting up an archery range at Mahoney State Park. He met with the supervisors, and they are looking at sites. Our plan is to have the club members volunteer to help change out the targets if needed.

The bow build equipment will be auctioned off at the annual meeting this year. The weekend before we will go and take pictures to have at the meeting. A time will be set before the banquet start to look at the equipment for the members interested.

Meeting adjourned at 9:44

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener

NTA Board Meeting 07/10/21

Officers present: Pres Brian Hoefener, VP Jeremy Misfeldt, Sec Cynde Hoefener, Doug Rowin and Membership chair Justin Nutter 

Meeting called to order at 9:02 am.

Minutes from Last Meeting

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by Brian and second by Jeremy         

Treasurer’s Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Brian. Bank statement balance on April 1 was $4045.62 and ending balance on June 23 was $6376.29 for an increase of $2317.61. Report was approved by Justin and 2nd by Cynde.


June 3-D at Schram park was a fun quick day. Had 19 shooters.

The Western extreme is the next 3-D by the club. It will be shared by 3 clubs in Chadron. The register will not be taken, just the cc smart tablet will be used. A handful of members are planning on attending. The NTA will set up one of the 3 courses,

Jeremy, Ron and Brian did a quick cleanup of the Ike’s which included redoing the bag targets, painted the bow stands and trimmed around the trailers.

New Business

Starting July 18th Jeremy is doing a kid’s league at the Ike’s as part of the agreement we have. It will be on Sundays from 3-5 until August 8. He has 8 kids signed up already.

Doing more advertising with the NBA was brought up by Doug R. We are going to look in to doing a full page promoting the Hunters Warm up in August. Maybe try to find some sponsors to get more prizes or door prizes to hand out.

Brian has been talking to the director of the Nebraska Deer and Game Expo that will be held in January 14-15-16. We will be getting a booth either next to the NBA or by the archery range.

A discussion was brought up about buying some 1/3 size animals as new targets for the club, also some of the inserts need to be replaced.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener

NTA Board Meeting 04/10/21

Officers present: Pres Brian Hoefener, VP Jeremy Misfeldt, Sec Cynde Hoefener, Ricky Krueger, Ron Berube, Dave Manwarren, Brennen Nutter and Membership Chair Justin Nutter 

Meeting called to order at 9:01 am.

Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by Brian and second by Rob.

Treasurer’s Report

Report was passed out and gone over by Brian. The details are from March 1 to April 2, 2021. The club has $4058.62 in the account. This is after expense and deposit from the banquet. Ron Berube will be taking over the treasurer position with Chris Franks still on as an advisor. Doug Warren will be stepping off the board to allow Ron a position. A vote was taken to add Ron. Report was approved by Ricky and second by Dave.


The rendezvous details were discussed by Dave. The course layout is being planned by Cory Engert and Dave, they have walked the course and have a plan of action. The set up will be done Friday morning at 10:00. We have a side by side being donated by a York business for us to use for setup and tear down. We have a plan for 35-36 target with a few fun targets too. There will be raffles and silent auction items available at registration. If you have any items, you would like to donate please contact Brian. We voted on joining the Upper Blue Archery club as Thank you for letting us use their course. Camping is available at the NRD recharge lake where the pot- luck supper will be held.

Gretna fun shoot will be on June 19-20. This will be open to Traditional and compounds bows.

Justin went over memberships; we currently have 70 annual members and 61 lifetime members. We voted on when the renewal date should be and decided it will be due year to date. In the past it was always due at the Rendezvous so this should be easier to track when sending out reminders.

New Business

Since we are no longer having the bow-build we will be selling off the equipment. This will be open to members to purchase before going to the public. More details will follow on this in the future.

The next meeting will be July 10th at the B Douglas Construction Solutions 20816 Gruenther in Gretna.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 by Cynde and second by Ricky.

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener

NTA Board Meeting 02/27/21

Offers present: Pres Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Sec Cynde Hoefener, Chris Franks and 35 members.

Meeting called to order at 5:15 pm by Vince. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from last meeting were passed out to the members and approved Jeremy Misfeldt motioned to accept, seconded by Doug Warren. Motion approved.

Treasure’s Report

Chris Franks read treasures report with $1098.84 in checking. Motion to accept by Brian Hoefener and second by Jeremey Misfeldt. Motion approved.


Vince passed out the changes that were made to the bylaws to all the members. Each section that had changes or corrections made to it were voted on and approved. Also handed out was a complete list of all the bylaws for the club and how it will be run in the future. Matt Clark made a motion to accept and second by Brian Shay to adopt the new bylaws.

New Business

 Rendezvous-Dave Manwarren will be point of contact. He has been in touch with the NRD in York as well as the head of the Recharge Lake campgrounds. We have been approved to have the first two camp spots reserved for our supper Saturday night. Set up will be Friday morning (April 23) and anyone available to help would be appreciated. Dates for the Rendezvous will be April 24-25.

We will also have the Gretna shoot at the Larry Elston Range June 19-20. We decided to make this a two day shoot instead of one.

The Western Extreme shoot in Chadron will be held July 17-18. This was a successful shoot last year and we encourage any member that can make it out to do so.

No questions about the Hunters Warm-up in August.

The club was extended an invitation to have a booth at The Nebraska Deer and Game Expo in Lincoln next January. We did not attend this year due to covid. But some members did go shoot and said it was well attended.

Discussion was also brought up about a booth at the Mid America Center for the River City expo and possible the NBA jamboree in Halsey in August.

Vince read his final presidents notes and farewell letter. He has been an active member of the club since 1998 and is taking a step back to enjoy life and be able to shoot more.

The floor was opened for nominations for the Board of Directors. Two current members stepped up and were put on the ballot. After the voting took place by all members the current board adjourned to a room to count the votes.

The board was increased to 14 which includes: Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Cynde Hoefener, Dave Manwarren, Doug Warren, Cory Engert, Ricky Krueger, Jake Downs, Justin Nutter, Jay Olson, Ken Obershulte, Dylan Olson, Chris Madsen and Bob Gregory. Officers were then elected  by the board members.

 President-Brian Hoefener

Vice President- Jeremy Misfeldt

Secretary-Cynde Hoefener

Treasure for the first quarter is Chris Franks but he will be stepping down. If you are interested in this position, please contact one of the officers.

Social Media coordinator-Justin Nutter

Meeting adjourned by Brian Hoefener at 6:15

Dinner and auction followed.

Respectfully submitted by Cynde Hoefener

NTA Board Meeting 12/12/20

Officers present: Pres Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Sec Cynde Hoefener, DeDe Smith. Call ins from Steve Talley and Ricky Krueger.

Meeting called to order at 9:05am

Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from last meeting were discussed. Brian Hoefener motioned to accept, second by Ricky Krueger. Motion approved.

Treasure’s Report

Chris Franks was absent, but Pres. Vince Smith read the report. $2200 in checking and 74.76 in savings. Motion to accept by Brian Hoefener and second by Vince Smith.


Year end wrap up: Had 2 shoots due to covid-19. Chadron was a good shoot again this year with 20 new members between June and now. Hunters warm up was not a huge success but did have 52 shooters.

Annual dinner: Decided on the Fire Hall in Fremont again due to more space to social distance better. Vince Smith will verify with Kurt. Vince will donate another AR for the bingo game. Cynde Hoefener will check with Rotella’s bakery to donate the buns. AUCTION ITEMS ARE NEEDED, we would like to have at least 5 good items, so please start thinking of donations. Ricky will check with Scheels on a gift card donation.

Elections: Board members exiting this year will be Steve Talley, Ethan Smith and Vince Smith. Please get a hold of any current board members if you are interested on joining the board of directors.

2021 Events: Annual banquet Feb. 27 (location noted above), Rendezvous in York on April 24-25, 3D Gretna June 20, Extreme shoot in Chadron July 17-18, and Hunters warm up at Golden Arrow Aug 28-29

New Business

A question was brought up about the equipment used at the bow builds, if we are not having them anymore what do we do with the equipment. Cynde Hoefener brought up possible auctioning it off at the banquet. This will be talked about this year and maybe auctioned in 2022. Also auctioning off the staves and bow boards from the bow build at the banquet.

Membership chairman reported 67 annual members, and 59 lifetime members.

Motion to adjourn by Brian Hoefener and second by Steve Telley.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05am

Respectively submitted by Cynde Hoefner

NTA Board Meeting 2/29/20

Officers Present

  • President Vince Smith
  • VP Dave Manwarren
  • Tres. Chris Frank
  • Sec. Brian Hoefener
  • Jeremy Misfeldt
  • Corey Engert
  • Ricky Krueger
  • Steve Telley
  • Bob Gregory
  • members and family.

Meeting called to order at 5:09 pm

Minutes from the last meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were read by Vince. Jeremy Misfeldt motion to accept, Dave Manwarren second. Motion approved.

Treasure’s Report

Chris Frank reported the checking account had $1,386.55 , the savings report had $74.78. Jeremy Misfeldt motion to accept, Ricky Krueger second. Motion approved.


Rendezvous has moved to the Upper Big Blue Archers range at York NE. The range is located west of York and the local club is working with Dave Manwarren. We are trying to get more attendance from different members. The address is 1301 RD K. There is a small lake with camping available. The diner and auction will be held at the campsite. There will be 2-20 target ranges with novelty shoots. Kids are welcome to shoot any bow.

Bowjam is planned for July 18-19 at Ikes in Fremont. Discussion was brought up on how to boost the attendance. Several farmers have contacted the club to come and cut trees for staves.

Western Shoot will be held July 25-26 and Jake Downs will be in charge of the Chadron shoot. Jake is trying to get several venders out there again this year. Camping is near the range.

Deer Season Warm Up will be held at Golden Arrow range again this year Aug 29-30. Vince will set up another string shoot.

Digital Presence Justin Nutter has offered to help the club with a digital presence on Facebook and Instagram. Helping get the word out about our club and try to get more people to attend our events.

Membership drive we gained 19 new members and 2 new life members this last year. The bow will be drawing at the next meeting.

Change in the by-laws were brought up and discussion was talked about making some changes on the terms and elections of board of directors. 6 of the board would be voted on every other year.

Ricky Krueger made a motion to have a by-law meeting at the Rendezvous in York April 25, at the dinner Saturday night. Second by Jeremy Misfeldt.

Nominations for the board of directors was held and Dan Lindner said he would like to step down and Cynde Hoefener was nominated to take his place. Elections were counted and the board of directors are Vince Smith, Dave Manwarren, Chris Frank, Brian Hoefener, Jeremy Misfeldt, Corey Engert, Ricky Krueger, Steve Telley, Bob Gregory, Cynde Hoefener, Jake Downs and Ethan Smith. The board went and held the officers election and for President Vince Smith, VP Brian Hoefener, Tres Chris Frank and Sec Cynde Hoefener

Scheduled meetings are April 11, July 11,Sept 12 and Dec 12. February 2021 meeting will be scheduled at a later date.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jeremy Misfeldt second by Ricky motion approved.

Meeting adjourned 6:20

Respectively submitted by Brian Hoefener